Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The haps.

So. Tired.

I've been parading around the city like it's going out of style.
(As if this place were to EVER go out of style.....the fashion and glamour here is ridiculous.)

Double-decker bus tour: Check.

Eat a hot-dog at Coney Island (yes, the famous Nathan's hot-dog that hosts the 4th of July eating contest!): Oh ya.

See Lady Liberty: You guessed it.

Walk around till my feet could fall off: I don't care--I'm in New York (freaking) City.

Visit Staten Island: So fun.

Experience the nightlife: Been there, done that.

Central Park: What a beauty.
(Really, the serenity you can find there on a sunny afternoon is unreal in a city so busy. If I were a writer, a painter, a poet, or any other artistic prodigy, I would use it as an inspiration.)

Times Square: Too much to even fathom. It will take 5467 trips to truly experience it all.

The art: I'm in LOVE.

There is SO much to see and experience.

I'm trying not to overlook all the little details and hidden charm....and reminding myself of how fortunate and blessed I am to have the life and opportunities that I do. A homeless woman on the subway really hit that home with me. (She was pretending to talk on the phone to some friend. I wanted to give her my shoes and my dad's dental office number.)

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful." - Buddha 

And good night.


Vicki said...

Oh my goodness! And you need a new camera? Jeez--buy some cool New York fashion instead! Looks like you are livin my dream for me--HOW WONDERFUL!

Trent & Brooke said...

love the update! looks like you are having a great time! i love NYC, everyone should experience it at least once in their life! love you!

Lula. said...


and you look so cute in that hat. i'm sure blake is proud.

Anonymous said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous!! I loveeeee NY and can't believe you get to live there!!